Just Ride to Green Nigeria
GRG is a sustainable transport accelerator exchange program that is situated to empower a green mobility market-driven strategy for a climate smart, safe, accessible and energy efficient transport ecosystem across Nigeria.
GRG 6.0

Create green mobility programs for sustainable transport.

Connect over 20m eco-citizen commuters to a one-stop green mobility bank platform.

Contribute towards green and blue economic development through sustainable transport.

Collaborate with sustainable transport marketplace opportunities to boost impact investments.

Culture eco-capital for climate smart opportunities through sustainable finance marketplace models.

Campaign for improved air quality through the 'GreenRideBreathe' advocacy initiative.

GreenRideBreathe Campaign
Green Mobility Media Advocacy
The GRB Campaign is a sustainable transport for zero pollution advocacy connecting over 20m vehicles/ drivers across Nigeria.
Marketplace Accelerator

GreenRideClean Festival
Eco-Citizens Commuters Festival.
Eco-citizens commuter festival to celebrate a cleaner and greener sustainable transport ecosystem in Nigeria. The festival is situated to mobilize over 60m eco-citizens across 600 LGAs to recycle over 60B PETs in less than 10 hrs of Green2Ride Volunteerism for a chance to earn over 600m GreenRideGreen tokens for Sustainable transport opportunities in Nigeria.
Marketplace Accelerator
#Urban October #Naija-STRIDES
Sustainable transport Reboot Inclusive Development for environmental Sustainability.
#Commemorating the UN world cities day..2024

Green2Ride (G2R) Nigeria
Recycle2Ride Token Platform.
G2R Nigeria is the first 'Recycle2Ride' initiative in Africa, designed to empower 60m eco-citizen volunteers to recycle up to 10m metric tonnes of plastic for over 30Bn free Green2Ride tickets annually across Nigeria.
Green2Ride Nigeria in a $10B green mobility Money marketplace.
Marketplace Accelerator.

Ride2Green Nigeria
Sustainable Transport ecorider-token Program
Ride2Green Nigeria is an incentive-based ecotokens platform that empowers eco-citizen commuters (ecoriders) to partner and promote possibilities that profit a greener and cleaner Nigeria, one 'Green-Ride' at a time.
Marketplace Accelerator NSTEER program.
# Sustainable transport EcoCitizens for Ecosystem Restoration.

Ride'N'Pay Later Program
The Nigeria GreenRide4Credit scheme is the first sustainable transport consumer credit scheme in Africa that connects over 60m citizens across 36 states and the FCT with over N500,000 in Green2Ride credit facility for the ease of mobility, productivity and sustainability in Nigeria
Marketplace Accelerator.
(N 30trn)

Eco-Commuter Consumer Community (ECC)
The GreenRideBank is the eco-citizens consumer community money marketplace that is designed to aggregate the Green2Ride citizen community, activate the GRG Nigeria marketplace, and de-risk sustainable transport impact investment opportunities to boost the Nigeria economy.
Marketplace Accelerator
#Eco3reekle card

Green Ride Impact Pay2Pollute Token/Levy (GRIPP)
The GreenwheelsUp program is a 'GreenRideBreathe' ecotoken that mandates and mobilizes non-green mobility vehicles/ boats /ships across Nigeria to pay eco levies/taxes to offset daily and annual carbon emissions across Nigeria.
Marketplace Accelerator (GRIPP)
#GRIPP Token.5.0
Eco mobile
Eco drive
GRIPP Money marketplace

Sustainable Transport Accelerator for Carbon Offset Displacement and Exchange Platform
The GreenRideGreen carbon emissions reduction platform is designed to monitor sustainable transport offset schemes, effectively evaluate real-time emissions displacement, empower third-party carbon offset verifiers, and redeem bankable carbon credit across Nigeria green mobility marketplace operators.